Vedha Dharshan

Vedha Dharshan

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra.(Thiruvahindrapuram -4) - part 254

Guruji GopalavalliDasar...
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...
9th July 2016
254th Yaatra video...

Thiruvahindrapuram -4
Garuda Nadhi (Kedilam nadhi) @ Devanatha Swami Temple…

PerumAL becomes thirsty at this place and asks GarudAzhwAr for water to drink…
GarudAzhwAr goes to Vaikunta to bring water from the Vraja river. But he gets concerned that perumAL cannot bear the thirst for such long time till he brings water from Vaikuta. So he pushes the kamandalu of a Rishi, which was containing Vraja nadhi in it, making the river flow out…

Rishi gets angry and curses that the water be muddy. Then Garuda says that he did not do it for himself, but for perumAL. Rishi then blesses the water to be although muddy, to become clear when taken in the hands…

This the Vraja nadhi thus brought by GarudAzhwAr. The sight of this river promises us Vaikunta…

During festival season, the water from this river is used in the temple …

Inside the temple is Devanatha perumAL…
Urchava moorthy adiyavarkku meyyan…
Moovaraagiya oruvan – The Lord is in thrimoorthy swaroopa here. Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva swaroopa…
The lord who is always pratyaksham for Nigamantha MahaDesikar…

Thaayaar was born as daughter to Bhrigu Maharshi as Bhargavi, and she married perumAL here…

May GarudAzhwar bring all of you to this Thiru Ahindrapuram soon…
Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha
Srimathe Nigamantha Maha Desikaya Namaha
Jai Sri Devanatha Swami
Jai Garuda Nadhi

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