Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra(Bhandeera vanam 1)-Part 224Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...29th March 2016224th Yaatra video...Bhandeera vanam 1Balaraman in Bhandeeravanam...Adiseshan on top of Balaram's head...Raising his hand and blessing...Revathy maatha , Balaram's wife...The place where Balaram killed Pralambasura. Under that tree is this Balaram temple...May Balaramji bless us with Radha Krishna bhakthi and the spirit of (kainkaryam) service.. Jai Bolo Balaram ki jaiJai Bolo Adisesha Bhagavan ki jaiVisit for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Thursday, March 31, 2016
Vedha Dharshan

Thursday, March 31, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra(Bhandeera vanam 1)-Part 224
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra(Vraj vaasi children)-Part 223
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra(Vraj vaasi children)-Part 223Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...29th March 2016223rd Yaatra video...Selfie video with Vraj vaasi children...Radhe Radhe...Radhekrishna..Visit for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Maana sarovaram) - Part 222
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Maana sarovaram) - Part 222Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...29th March 2016222nd Yaatra video...Maana sarovaram...Once Krishna started Rasa dance without Radhika Rani. In anger of love (oodal), she comes and sits on this tree, hanging her feet down, crying.The tears that rolled out of her eyes form this lake called Maan sarovar...The other trees in this place are all Rishis who were doing penance in Dantaka forest. They are doing Radha Krishna seva here...Krishna, unable to see Radhika's tears rush to her side. Holding her feet, he does sharanagathy to Radha Rani and removes all her sorrow...Even for Krishna, Radhika's feet are the only asylum. Hence it is the only asylum for all of us...A swayambhu moorthy of Radhika Rani was obtained from this Mana Sarovaram. It is installed in a temple here...May this Manasarovar bring us all bhakthi, premai and viraha lika Radhika Rani...Radhe Radhe Radhe RadheJai Manasarovar Mata ki jaiJai Radhika Rani ki jaiVisit for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Monday, March 28, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Dhruva Tila) - Part 221
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Dhruva Tila) - Part 221Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...29th March 2016221st Yaatra video...Dhruva Tila...(the hillock where Dhruva did thapas )Madhuvan - 1...The place where Dhruva chanted Om Namo Bagavathe Vasudhevaya...The place where Dhruvadid thapas as per Sage Naradha Maharishi's instructions...The place where Dhruva got dharshan of Lord Sri Hari...The place where Lord Sri Hari touched Dhruvas' cheek with His conch...Let This Dhruva Hari bless you to do non stop chanting like Dhruva...Jai bolo Dhruva Maharaj ki jaiii....Jai bolo Madhuvan ki jai...Visit for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Monday, March 28, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra(Krishna's house) - Part 220
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra(Krishna's house) - Part 220Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...28th March 2016220th Yaatra video...Chaurasi kamba (Krishna's house) ...Gokul Dham - 1...The 4 pillars that represent the 4 yugas Kritham, Treta, Dwapar and Kaliyug...A blind sAdhu who has come for darshan...Devotees with pure heart can hear the sound of Krishna laughing, crying or talking even now, by keeping their ears to the pillar...The pillar on which Krishna has himself smeared butter...The pillar to which Yasodha mayya has fed rice looking at the reflection and thinking that it is Krishna...Krishna looked at his own reflection, and thought it to be another boy, and smeared butter on it...Even touching, seeing or circumambulating even one pillar in this house will fetch us the blessing to go to Goloka Vrindavan...Once these pillars were embellished with nava rathnas...The 84 lakh devas are doing Kainkaryam by standing as 84 lakh pillars in this house...May Krishna bring all of you to Gokulam and give his darshan...Jai bolo Krishna kannaiya laal ki jaiiiJai Gokul Dham ki jaiVisit for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Monday, March 28, 2016
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Govardhan Giri Raj - 2)- Part 219
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Govardhan Giri Raj - 2)- Part 219Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...27th March 2016219th Yaatra video...Govardhan Giri Raj - 2...The peaceful atmosphere...In this place Krishna gives darshan to many devotees as a cowherd...We can see a lot of cows grazing at a distance...The cowherd boy Krishna...The hill on which Krishna has walked with his lotus feet...The hill on which Krishna played with his friend Gopas sitting and rolling on each of the rocks on this hill...The hill on which Krishna played with Radhika Rani holding her hands...The hill which is circumambulated by Krishna himself...Standing on the foothills of Govardhana Giri, I am saying that all of you will get Krishna darshan and Radhika darshan. Many great changes will happen in your life, and you will come to Brindavan and get darshan of this Govardhana Giri and Krishna very soon...Jai bolo Govardhan Giri Raj ki jaiiiJai bolo Radhika Rani ki jaiiiRadhe Radhe RadhekrishnaVisit for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Sunday, March 27, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Govardhana Giri Raj - 1)-Part 218
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Govardhana Giri Raj - 1)-Part 218Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...26th March 2016218th Yaatra video...Govardhana Giri Raj - 1...Parikrama by doing namaskarams all round the 21km of the Govardhana Giri. They do prostrations by lying down on the ground and keep a stone to mark the place where they start the next namaskaram...Many times all members of the family do such parikrama in Govardhan, even ladies and children...This is a very old bhakth doing this difficult parikrama...Let us pray for getting such great levels of bhakthi.We should learn to give importance to bhakthi, not minding much of bodily comforts...Jai bolo Govardhan Giri Raj ki jaiiiRadhe RadheRadhekrishnaVisit for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Sunday, March 27, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Radhika Krishna tree at Barsana)- Part 217
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Radhika Krishna tree at Barsana)- Part 217Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...26th March 2016217th Yaatra video...Radhika Krishna tree at Barsana ...Two trees hugging each other with their branch as their hand. One is Radhika, and the other is Krishna...Gopikas gathered here at evening time and spend time talking...The statement that Poonthaanam said "PadmanabhO Maraprabhu" is so true...In this place, both Padmanabhan (Krishna) and Radhika stand as trees...These divine couple will definitely give us all bhakthi, jnana, vairagya and also bring all of you to this place...Now we take this path through which Gopikas walked carrying milk, curd and butter chanting Govinda Damodara Madhava...This place is one of the heads of Brahma. His 4 heads are 4 hills. We are now walking on one of his head...Jai bolo Radhika Rani ki jaiiiRadhe RadheRadhe RadheRadhe RadheVisit for the entire yaatra video collection
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Saturday, March 26, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Barsana) - Part 216
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra-Barsana (Part 216)Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...26th March 2016216th Yaatra video...Barsana (parikrama maarg)...The cows that come from the family of cows that were grazed by Krishna..The beautiful arrangement of hand made cow dung cakes, that remind us of Santh Tukaram and Janabai ...They stack it in the form of a small neat house...Along the parikrama maarg of Barsana, we can see a Gopika maatha, a varaha and the lovely cows of Barsana ...Jai bolo Radhika Rani ki jaiiiRadhe Radhe...Radhekrishna..Visit for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Saturday, March 26, 2016
Friday, March 25, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Banke Bihari temple)-Part 215
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra - Banke Bihari temple(Part 214)Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...25th March 2016214th Yaatra video...Banke Bihari temple at Vrindavan...The huge crowd of devotees waiting to have his darshan...He is in tribhangi roopam, and his hand in a position of holding flute...The flute is not there on all days, only on rasa poornima day, it is given to him...Since devotees will melt by his vEnu geetham, it is not given on all days...Every few minutes, a screen is put in front of the Banke Bihari. If Bihari is attracted to any of his devotees, he will go after them.Once Bihari went behind a Devotee princess.. To prevent that, they put a screen to block his view of those devotees for a long time....Even then Bihariji looks at all of us with love...Even the darshan of this holy crowd of people will fetch us the grace of Bihari lal...Jai bolo Banke Bihari lal ki jaiiiJai Radhika Rani ki jaiiiRadhe Radhe...Visit for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Friday, March 25, 2016
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra - Thirumalai Part 214
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra - Thirumalai Part 214Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...22nd March 2016214th Yaatra video... Thirumalai Bhoovaraha Swami Temple…Bhoovaraha is the owner of the Thirumala hills. He has given permission for Srinivasa perumAl to reside in his land, Thirumala.We can see the Gopuram of his sannidhi…Swami PushkaraNi (kOnEri)…Kulasekharazhwar says “vEnkadathu kOnEri vAzhum kurugAi pirappEnE”…If we take a bath in this Swami Pushkarini, we get the punya of becoming a great King…Thirumangai Azhwar, Periyazhvar, Swami Ramanujar, Adi Shankara Bhagavadpadar, Swami Raghavendra, NigamAntha mahadesikar, Manavala Mamunigal etc have taken holy dip in this theertham…We can see the Gopuram of Srinivasa at a distance. At the entrace, under the gopuram, we can see the crowbar with which Ananthazhvaan hit Srinivasa perumAl…Edugondalavaada VenkatramanA GovindA GovindA…Visit for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra - Thirumalai Part 213
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra - Thirumalai Part 213Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...22nd March 2016213th Yaatra video... Thirumalai Thirupathi…Venkatadri, Seshadri, Vedadri, Garudadri, Vrishabhadri, Anjanadri, Anandadri the divine names of the 7 hills…Each of the insects, animals, trees or creepers in this Thirumalai are Rishis or jnanis…Once Annamacharyar comes to Thirumalai at the age of 7 or 8. He climbs the hill wearing slippers. Out of hunger and tiredness, he lies down in the hill. He hears a voice “ dear child take this food I have brought for you…” He could hear the sound and see the food, but not the person who spoke. He asks “ Dear mother, who are you? I cannot see you!!!” She says,” This is SAlagrama malai. Since you are wearing slippers, you are not able to see me. Remove them and look again”.TaayAr AlarmEl mangai herself gives darshan to Annamacharya. He also sees each of the tree or creeper as Rishis, jnanis and sadhus. Even seeing these trees, or plants in Thirumalai is a blessing.Swami Rmanuja refused to climb the Thirumali with his feet. He tied them and crawled up the hill on his knees. Such is the greatness of the Thirumala hills…Keep chanting Govinda Govinda and praying. Definitely all of you will get a chance to come to Thirumalai…Visit for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra - Thirumalai Part 212
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra - Thirumalai Part 212Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...22nd March 2016212th Yaatra video... ThiruvEnkatam…Thirumalai…Nammazhwar says: “ThiruvEnkata maamalai ondrumE tozha nam vinai OyumE”…Nigamantha Mahadesikar says that Vedas themselves have taken the form of the Thirumalai hills” VEm means sins. Kadam means burning away. VEnkatam means it will burn off all our sins… That is the greatness of Thirumalai hills…Kulasekhara azhwar says: “sempavala vAyAn ThiruvEnkatam ennum emperumAn ponmalai mEl EthEnum AvEnE” . He wants to be a tree or a stone or an insect or a pathway in this Thirumalai hills…Edugondalavaada VenkatramanA GovindA GovindA…Visit for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yathra(Venkatachalapathy temple, Guruvayur) - Part 211
Bharatha Dhesa Yathra(Venkatachalapathy temple, Guruvayur) - P...Radhekrishna..Jai Sri Ramanuja...Guruji Gopalavallidasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yathra...Venkatachalapathy temple, Guruvayur...7th Nov 2015...211th Yaatra Video...Swami Ramanuja at Kerala...Venkatachalapathy temple... Installed by Swami Ramanuja...( Sthala purana of this temple was revealed by prashnam )Once Swami Ramanuja visited Guruvayur and had bath in a nearby pond. After finishing bath, he could not take his jalapathram from the ground. Upon doing dhyAnam, the lord asks him to install a Venkatachalapathy deity at this place. This temple was thus built by Swami Ramanuja...Venkatachalapathy perumAl with sanku, chankra, gada, padmam and naamam. Hardly 3 feet high moorthy. Very chubby and cute moorthy...For some time people used to worship this deity as Krishnan/ Guruvayoorappan. On keeping prashnam, they found out that it was Venkatachalapathy installed by Swami Ramanuja. Now the pooja is done according to that...Here, the pooja is as per Kerala pOtti system...Because the old deity got bhinnam (broken), they have reinstalled a new Venkatachalapathy...Separate Sannidhi for SWAMI RAMANUJA...Swamy Ramanujar, with tridandam in his hands...A special offering that can be made to swami Ramanuja in this temple is "Kaavi pattu chaarthal". (Adorning with saffron color silk dress)... Around 10-15 min from Guruvayur temple...Srimathe Ramanujaya NamahaVisit for the entire yaatra video collection
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra - Manthralayam Part 209, 210
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra - Manthralayam Part 209, 210Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...27th December 2013209th Yaatra video... Manthralayam…Swami Raghavendra Brindhavanam…Chanting and doing pradakshinam of the sacred Brindhavanam…Radhavendra Raghavendra Raghavendra paahi maamRadhavendra Raghavendra Raghavendra raksha maamJai Swami RaghavendraVisit for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Manthralayam - PArt 210Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...27th December 2013210th Yaatra video...Manthralayam…Swami Raghavendra Brindhavanam…Chanting and doing pradakshinam of the sacred Brindhavanam…Radhavendra Raghavendra Raghavendra paahi maamRadhavendra Raghavendra Raghavendra raksha maamJai Swami RaghavendraVisit for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Monday, March 14, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (The kuttichuvar ) - Part 208
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (The kuttichuvar ) - Part 208Radhekrishna...Ram Krishna Hari Vasudeva Hari…Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...2'March'2016.. 208th Yaatra video... The kuttichuvar (குட்டிச்சுவர்) (the short old wall) …At Alandi, short distance from Santh Jnaneshwar’s temple…Where Santh Janeshvar sat with his brothers Sopandev, Nivrithinath, and his sister Mukthabai…The wall that moved carrying them…The sidha Sarngadev came to meet Jnaneshvar maharaj sitting on a tiger as his vehicle , and holding a snake as his whip.In order to destroy the pride of Sarngadev, Jnaneshwar commands the lifeless kuttichuvar on which he was sitting , to move. The 4 children arrive in front of the astonished Sarngadev on this wall as their vehicle …In order to protect the kuttichuvar , they have built a construction and fence around it. There are moorthis of Santh Jnandev, Sopandev , Nivruthinath, Mukthabai on top of the wall. Also seen is a statue of Sarngadev sitting on a tiger with snake in his hand…May this divine wall bring to us the darshan of Jnaneshwar maharaj, and the blessings of Sidhapurushas…Santh Jnaneshwar Maharaj ki jaiAlandi Punya Kshetr ki jaiVisit for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Monday, March 14, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Santh Jnaneshwar’s Jeevasamadhi mandir) - Part 207
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Santh Jnaneshwar’s Jeevasamadhi mandir)...Radhekrishna...Ram Krishna Hari Vasudeva Hari…Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...2'March'2016.. 207th Yaatra video... Santh Jnaneshwar’s Jeevasamadhi mandir at Alandi …On the banks of Indrayani river…There is a holy Banyan tree (arasa maram) (அரச மரம்) inside the temple.Jnaneshwar maharaj’s mother used to do 1000s of pradakshinas to the tree and watered and worshipped it daily. Due to her prayers, her husband, who had already taken Sanyas, returned to householder life and they got the 4 divine children – Nivrithinath, Jnaneshwar, Sopandev and Mukthabai. Santh Jnaneshwar is still in Jeevasamadhi in this place. All our prayers will be answered by him.This is a very holy place.We have the blessings of Santh Jnaneshwar, Tukaram maharaj, Namdev and Ekanath maharaj…Jai bolo Santh Jnaneshwar Maharaj ki jaiJai Sri Kshetra Alandi ki jaiRam Krishna Hari Vasudeva Hari…Visit for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Monday, March 14, 2016
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (The Divine Indrayani river)-Part 206
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (The Divine Indrayani river)-Part 206Radhekrishna...Ram Krishna Hari Vasudeva Hari…Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...2'March'2016.. 206th Yaatra video... The Divine Indrayani river…At AlandiWhere the holy people like Santh Namadev, Santh Tukaram, Santh Ekanath, Santh Jnaneshwar, Muktha bai, Nivrithi nath, Sopan Dev and so on have taken bath…Lord Vittal has taken bath in this Indrayani river…May the mother Indrayani bless you with all happiness, bhakthi-jnana-vairagya, health and prosperity. May we all chant the name of Vittal always till our last breath. May Vittal appear to us at our last moment…We can see Jnaneshwar’s Samadhi mandir from here.Santh Jnaneshwar is sitting in jeeva Samadhi at this place…At the annual day of Santh Tukaram’s Vaikunta ArOhan, the tree at Dehu which was witness to the event, will shake. At the same time, the kalasam on the gOpuram of Jnaneshwar’s samdhi mandir will also shake!!! They are all proving to us the truth of Tukaram maharaj’s ascent to Vaikuntam…During Ashad-sukla-ekadashi, palki from Alandi will start to Pandharpur. Even then, the kalasam on top of the temple will shake…Ram Krishna Hari Vasudeva Hari…Jai Panduranga Vittal…Jai Santh Tukaram Maharaj…Jai Santh Jnaneshwar Maharaj…Jai Indrayani maatha…Visit for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Sunday, March 13, 2016