Vedha Dharshan

Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Vamsi Vat - 3)-Part 244
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Vamsi Vat - 2)-Part 243
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Vamsi Vat - 1)-Part 242
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra(Sopandev Jeevasamadhi )-Part 241
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra(Nageshwar Mandir)-Part 240
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra(Sopandev Maharaj Mandir)-Part 239
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra(Sopandev Samadhi Mandir)-Part 238
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra(Palki of Santh Sopandev)-Part 237
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra.(Thirumalai –6)-Part 236
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra.(Madhuranthakam Eri Kaatha Ramar Kovil –5)-Part 235
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra.(Madhuranthakam Eri Kaatha Ramar Kovil –4) - Part 234
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra.(Madhuranthakam Eri Kaatha Ramar Kovil -3) - Part 233
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra(Madhuranthakam Eri Kaatha Ramar kovil -2) -Part 232
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra(Madhuranthakam Eri Kaatha Ramar kovil - 1)-Part 231
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Ananthaazhwaan 5)-Part 230
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Ananthaazhwaan 5)-Part 230Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...22nd March 2016230th Yaatra video...Thirumala...Ananthaazhwaan 5...Ananthazhwaan charithram in pictorial form…How he becomes ArulAlaperumAl emperumAnAr’s sishyan…He takes along his pregnant wife and goes to Thirumala for kainkaryam, and gets the name “Aan pillai”…Ananthazhwaan throws crowbar at PerumAl, and later keeps pacha-karpooram (camphor) as medicine on the hurt jaw of Malayappan…He ties up thAyAr and later releases her from his garden…He refuses to run to PerumAl leaving aside his pushpa-kainkaryam given to him by his AchAryar, Swami Ramanujar…PerumAl becomes AnanthaAzhwan’s sishyan…Ramanuja climbs the Thirumalai on the request of AnanthAzhwAn…The moorthy of Ramanuja in Bhashyakara sannidhi given by Swami Ramanuja himself to AnanthazhwAn…AnanthAzhwAn remains as the Magizha tree in the garden after leaving the mortal body…Yearly twice Malayappan comes to this place and pays respects to AnanthAzhwAn…Jai bolo Srinivasa....Jai bolo Thirumala...Jai bolo Swami Ramanuja...Jai bolo Sri Ananthaazhwaan...Radhekrishna..Visit for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Friday, April 8, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Ananthaazhwaan Brindhavanam 4)-Part 229
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Ananthaazhwaan Brindhavanam 4)-Part 229Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...22nd March 2016229th Yaatra video...Thirumala...Ananthaazhwaan Brindhavanam 4...AnanthAzhwaan moorthy in his Brindhavanam…Several ants are running around in this place…There is a story in AnanthazhvAn Vaibhavam that goes like this…Once AnanthAzhvAn was travelling to another place with parcelled food.After climbing down the Thirumala hills, he stops to eat food. He sees that there are lots of ants in the food packet.He exclaims, “These must be Sadhus or jnanis of the Thirumala hills just like Kulasekhara Azhwar . I brought them down from the holy Thirumala by mistake!!!”. He packs back all the ants carefully in the food packet and asks his disciple to safely take those holy nithyamukthas (ants) back to their abode, Thirumala. His disciple does as is adviced…I wanted to share this Vaibhavam with all of you and was looking for ants initially. I didn’t get. I thought its okay and left chanting Ramanuja and SriVenkatesa. But when I came 2nd time here for worshipping, these ants were waiting , just for me...The greatness of AnanthAzhwAn. The holiness of Thirumala Hills…Jai bolo Srinivasa....Jai bolo Thirumala...Jai bolo Swami Ramanuja...Jai bolo Sri Ananthaazhwaan...Radhekrishna..Visit for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Thursday, April 7, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra(Ananthaazhwaan Brindhavanam 3)-Part 228
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra(Ananthaazhwaan Brindhavanam 3)-Part 228Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...22nd March 2016228th Yaatra video...Thirumala...Ananthaazhwaan Brindhavanam 3...Magizha maram under which AnanthAzhwAn’s body is kept (pallippaduththal)…Thirumalai Bhashyakarar Ramanuja moorthy’s photo cut-out…Ramanuja’s holy feet (thiruvadi) is usually Mudali Andaan at all places except Thirumalai. Here, Ramanuja’s thiruvadi is AnanthAzhvAn…Ramanuja gave him the name as AaNpillai (the brave male )…Ramanuja was satisfied with the service of AnanthAzhvAn in his kainkaryam of Thirumalai PerumAl’s garden- nandavanam. So, he commented and appreciated : “Attained good utility for raising you”…Ramanuja pushkarini created by AnanthAzhvAn…The family members of the lineage of AnanthazhvAn are still living at that place and continuing to do kainkaryam…Jai bolo ThiruvenkatamudayAn...Jai bolo Thirumala...Jai bolo Swami Ramanuja...Jai bolo Sri Ananthaazhwaan...Radhekrishna..Visit for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Ananthaazhwaan Brindhavanam 1)-Part 227
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Ananthaazhwaan Brindhavanam 1)-Part 227Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...22nd March 2016227th Yaatra video...Thirumala...Ananthaazhwaan Brindhavanam 1...Sri Ananthaazhwaan Thirumaaligai...The garden where Sri Ananthaazhwaan lived...Sri Ananthaazhwaan's Brindhavanam (Samadhi) is still there...Sri Ananthaazhwaan's heirs are still living here and doing service to Lord Srinivasa...Jai bolo Srinivasa....Jai bolo Thirumala...Jai bolo Swami Ramanuja...Jai bolo Sri Ananthaazhwaan...Radhekrishna..Visit for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Monday, April 4, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Ananthaazhwaan Brindhavanam 2) - Part 226
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Ananthaazhwaan Brkndhavanam 2) - Part 226
Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...22nd March 2016226th Yaatra video...Thirumala...Ananthaazhwaan Brindhavanam 2...Swami Ramanuja Pushkarini...The tank / lake made by Sri Ananthaazhwaan and his wife...The place where Lord Srinivasa came as a small boy...Jai bolo Srinivasa....Jai bolo Thirumala...Jai bolo Swami Ramanuja...Jai bolo Sri Ananthaazhwaan...Radhekrishna..Visit for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Monday, April 4, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Gokul Dham - 2)- Part 225
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra (Gokul Dham - 2)- Part 225Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...28th March 2016225th Yaatra video...Gokul Dham - 2The place where Yasodha matha churned curd, for taking butter...Her curd pot...In this place only, Yasodha maatha was having Krishna on her lap and churning butter. When milk on the stove started boiling over, she left Kicha on the floor and ran to attend to it.The angry Krishna broke the butter pot and ran with the curd from here...May the pot of our hearts also break, the butter of Bhakthi emerge out of it, and let Krishna eat it and accept it with love. May Yasodha maatha bless us for that...This place is Chauraasi kamba. There are 84 pillars in this Nandagopa's Nanda bhavan...Jai bolo Kannaiya laal kiJai bolo Yashodha matha ki Jai bolo Navaneetha chor kiJai bolo Nandababa Maharaj kiJai bolo Chauraasi kamba kiJai bolo Golul Dham kiRadhekrishna..Visit for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Friday, April 1, 2016