Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...(HIMALAYAS)20th Sep 2015185th Yaatra video... A Glimpse inside the Vasishta Guha…On the way from Rishikesh to DevaPrayaag...Banks of holy river Ganga...The cave where Sage Vasishta did penance...Many great saints like Purushothamanandaji and Shanthanandha puri maharaaj did penance here...The power of silence...So I have not told anything about the guha...The Shiva ling....Sri Purushothamanandha ji's portrait...The sAnnidhyam...The silence...The stillness...Visit http://photostemple.blogspot.in for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Sunday, February 28, 2016
Vedha Dharshan

Sunday, February 28, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra - Part 185
Friday, February 26, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra - Part 184
Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...(HIMALAYAS)26th Sep 2015184th Yaatra video... Saraswathy Devi temple on the banks of Saraswathy river…Beautiful deity of Mother Saraswathy…Dear Mother please give Bhakthi-Gyaan-Vairaagya to all your children…Bless us to constantly chant Krishna Krishna Krishna…You are the witness for Srimad Bhagavatham. It was told on your banks. You witnessed the conversations between Sage Naradha and Veda Vyaasa...Bless us also with lots of Bhagavatham, Ramayanam, Bhagavath vishayam and namajapam till our last breath…Shree Saraswathy Maathaa ki jai...Jai Shreemadh Bhagavatham…Visit http://photostemple.blogspot.in for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Friday, February 26, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra - Part 183
Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...(HIMALAYAS) Sep 2015 183rd Yaatra video... Yoga Bhadri at Pandukeshvaram…During the 6 months of extreme winter in Bhadri, urchava moorthy of Bhadri Narayan, the Udhdhava will be brought to this temple for daily pooja…King Pandu hunts in the forest. He kills an animal engaged in intimate act with its mate.It was a Rishi and his wife in the form of animals. The Rishi curses King Pandu that if he engages in such act with his wife, he will also die. So, the sad King retires to this place called Pandukeshvaram for doing penance. Lord Bhadri Narayana becomes happy with the penance and appears before him. He blesses Pandu to have divine children. It is after this incidednt that the 5 Pandavas are born to Kunthi devi and Madri devi.Vasudev mandir with PeumAl in standing posture with shangu, chakra, gada and padmam…Yoga Bhadri Narayanan is sitting in lotus posture. Moorthy of Madri devi is also inside this temple…Jai Badri Narayan…Visit http://photostemple.blogspot.in for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Friday, February 26, 2016
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra-Part182
Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...(HIMALAYAS)20th Sep 2015182nd Yaatra video... Triyugi Narayanan temple…Place where the marriage of Lord Shiva and Parvathi Devi took place…This homa kundam has its fire burning since the marriage of Shiva-Parvathy, and is still burning for the 3 yugas…Lord Padhmanabha is sitting here on the floor as a witness to their marriage…Lakshmi Narayan Moorthy inside…Hara hara nama Parvathi pathaye.. Hara hara Mahadeva…Jai Shree Padhmanabha…Jai Lakshmi Narayana…Visit http://photostemple.blogspot.in for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra - Part181
Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...(HIMALAYAS)20th Sep 2015181...Yaatra video... Triyugi Narayan Mandir…On the way from Kedarnath to Rudra Prayag…Place of Shiva-Parvathi amarriage…Lord Narayana, Lakshmi Devi , Saraswathy Devi, Pandavas, Kshetrapalan, Kuberan, Bhairavas, Ramachandra, Badri Narayana, Adi Sankara moorthis…Brahmakund, Rudrakund, Vishnukund, Saraswathikund… Moorthy of Shiva-Parvathy in their wedding attire…The spot where kannikadanam of Parvathi Devi took place…Jai Shiva Parvathy moorthi ki jaiJai Sri Lakshmi Narayana moorthi ki jaiVisit http://photostemple.blogspot.in for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra. - Part 180
Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...(HIMALAYAS)20th Sep 2015180th Yaatra video... Swami Purushothamananda Maharaj Samadhi at Vasishta Guha…Swami Purushothamanandaji did a lot of Dhyanam in this Vasishta Guha and enjoyed a lot of divine experiences…Swami Purushothamanandaji belongs to the Ramakrishna Paramahamsa lineage of Gurus…Swami Shanthanandapuri Maharaaj is Swami Purushothamanandaji’s disciple…The holy Ganges flowing in the front, and the divine Banyan tree at the frontyard…This holy spot gives us an immediate calmness, peace, happiness and a meditative mind…Visit this Vasishta Guha to enjoy the peace within…Jai Swami Purushothamananda MaharajJai Swami Shanthanandapuri MaharajJai Sage VasishtaJai Ganga MaathaaVisit http://photostemple.blogspot.in for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra - Part 179
Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...(HIMALAYAS)20th Sep 2015179th Yaatra video... Vasishta Guha…On the way from Rishikesh to Devaprayag…On the banks of the holy Ganga…The place where Swami Purushothamanandaji and Sri Shantananda puri mahraaj did dhyanam and enjoyed various divine experiences…This place makes us realise the calmness within ourselves…Vasishta, the KulaGuru of Lord Rama, the one who named Ramachandra moorthy.Vasishta is one among the saptharishis. Vasishta and Arundhati the holy couple.Vasishta , who made Vishvamitra into a Rishi…The place where Vasishta did and is still doing dhyanam in this cave…After 1 min 20 seconds there won't be any audio. You need to enjoy the power of silence. That's why I have not spoken anything..There will be a darkness in the video after entering the guha. The video is taken inside the guha. Its like going deep into your heart to find the light inside you...Jai Sage Vasishta…Visit http://photostemple.blogspot.in for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Monday, February 22, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra - Part178
Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...(HIMALAYAS)Sep 2015178th Yaatra video... The cave where Srimathi Arundhathi Devi sat and did penance…On the banks of river Ganga…Pathivratha, holy, divine and a great Bhakthai…She proved that women too are holy and can attain God…May Arundhathi Devi bless us all to attain God…Special blessings to all women from Arundhathi Devi…Jai Srimathi Arundhathi mAthaaVisit http://photostemple.blogspot.in for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Monday, February 22, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra - Part 177
Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...(HIMALAYAS)Sep 2015177th Yaatra video... Approach to Arundhathi mAtha’s cave, the place where the Pathivratha sat and did penance…Arundhadhi mAtha is teaching us all that women too are holy, and can experience God…The calmness, the divinity, the silence, the experience…May Arundhadhi mAtha bless us all with bhakthi, jnana, vairAgya…On the banks of Ganga river…Jai Srimathi Arundhathi mAthaaVisit http://photostemple.blogspot.in for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Monday, February 22, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra - Part 176
Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...(HIMALAYAS)Sep 2015176th Yaatra video... Banks of holy river Ganga…Between Rishikesh and Devaprayaag…Between VasishtaGuha and Arundhathi guha…The wonderful calmness, the stillness, the peace within…Experience the inward withdrawal of mind…The power of bhakthi and sharanagathi…Jai shree Himalayas…Jai Ganga maathaa…Visit http://photostemple.blogspot.in for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Monday, February 22, 2016
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra - Part 175
Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...(HIMALAYAS)24th Sep 2015175 th Yaatra video... Sri Ramanuja temple at Badrinath…Sakshi Gopal mandir, Ramanuja koodam…Badri Ramanuja, Laddu Gopal, Venkatesa perumAL, Ganapathy moorthys…Jai Bolo Ramanuja Moorthy ki jaiii…Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha…Visit http://photostemple.blogspot.in for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Sunday, February 21, 2016
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra- Part 174
Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...(HIMALAYAS)20th Sep 2015174th Yaatra video... Lord Shiva at Uttarkashi…The place where Lord Shiva gave protection to Markandeya Maharshi…Markandeya hugs the Shivalinga when Yama comes and throws his noose (paasa kayir). It falls around Shivalingam. Lord Shiva gets angry and appears in front of them, scares away Yama Dharmaraja, and protects Markandeya Maharshi…The Shivalingam here can be seen a little tilted to the side …After half of the Kaliyuga expires, Varanasi is said to get destroyed, and Lord Shiva would come and start residing in this Uttarkashi…Devotees are allowed to touch and do abhishekam of the lord in this temple…Jai Markandeya Maharshi ki jai…Hara hara nama Parvathi pathe..Hara hara Mahadeva…Jai Shri Uttarkashi…
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Saturday, February 20, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra- Part172
Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...17'Feb'2016.. 172nd Yaatra video... ManavAla mAmunigaL (an avathara of swami Ramanuja) sannidhi...Mannalandha perumAL sannidhi...Place where Swami Ramanuja’s aksharabhayasam started…Ramanuja Akhilaguro Bhagavan Namasthe…Srimathe Ramanujaya NamahaRadhekrishna
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Saturday, February 20, 2016
Friday, February 19, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra - Part 173
Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...17'Feb'2016.. 173rd Yaatra video...Temple tank of Sriperumbudur...Ananthasaras...Tank made by ananthan (Adi Seshan)...Bhoothaganas dissolve their sins by bathing in this tank..King Haritha hears a cry of a cow. He sees a tiger attacking and biting a cow. To save the cow, the king sends an arrow.. The tiger dies due to the arrow and the cow also dies due to the attack of tiger.The King fears the sin of killing a cow. He hears a voice (ashareeree) that he should go to Ananthasaras and bath there. He does that and gets rid of his sins. Then he does punar-udhdharan (renovation) of this temple. Again he hears a voice from PerumAl. "All this while you belonged to the race of Kshatriyas. Now on, you will belong to the Brahmin race.. A great Acharyan will appear in your kulam and uplift people"…People who come in this gOtra are the HArIta gOtra people… Swami Ramanuja appeared in this HArIta gOtram…Srimathe Ramanujaya namahaVisit http://photostemple.blogspot.in for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Friday, February 19, 2016
Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra - Part 171
171- Sriperumbudur Temple171- Sriperumbudur TempleRadhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...17'Feb'2016.. 171st Yaatra video... Sriperubudur (Bhoothapuri)AdiKeshava perumAL SannidhiYathiraja nadha valli tAyAr SannidhiOnce when Siva was dancing in Kailas, his dress falls away, and his bhoothagaNas laugh at him. Siva curses them to live in earth. They pray to Brahma and in turn to Vishnu. PerumAl instructs Adisesha to construct a pond called Anantha saras. On bathing in that water, the bhoothagaNas get rid of their curse.They pray to perumAl to stay in that place itself. He stays here as Adi Keshava PerumAl…This temple was built for perumAL by the bhoothaganas of Shiva. So, this temple is called Bhoothapuri. In time, the name has changed to SriPerumbudur…Swami Ramanuja's Sannidhi where he is thaan Uganda thirumEni…Swami Ramanuja’s Aathma (soul) is here in this idol…Srimathe Ramanujaya NamahaVisit http://photostemple.blogspot.in for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Friday, February 19, 2016
Swami Ramanuja Gruham - Part 170
170 - Swami Ramanuja Gruham170 - Swami Ramanuja GruhamRadhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...17'Feb'2016.. 170th Yaatra video... Avathara sthalam of Swami Ramanuja…Swami Ramanuja’s house…At Sriperumbudur (Bhoothapuri sthalam) , straight opposite AdiKeshava PerumAl temple…During urchavams, taan Uganda thirumEni of Swami Ramanuja is brought here to his house…Swami Ramanuja is Adisesha Avatharam…Ramanuja akhilagurO bhagavan namasthe…Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha...RadhekrishnaVisit http://photostemple.blogspot.in for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Friday, February 19, 2016
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Vaanamaa malai kOvil - Part 169
Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...28'Jan'2016.. 169th Yaatra video... Nanguneri...Vaanamaa malai kOvil...Srivaramangai Thaayaar purappaadu...Jai Sri RamanujaJai Sri Vaanamaa malai perumAlJai Srivaramangai thaayaarVisit http://photostemple.blogspot.in for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Vaanamaa malai kovil - Part 168
Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...28'Jan'2016.. 168th Yaatra video... Nanguneri...Vaanamaa malai kOvil...Swayam vyaktha sthalam...One out of the 8 self manifested places...Swamy is in veetrirundha thirukkOlam (sitting posture) just like in paramapadham, along with Sridhevi and Bhoodhevi...PerumAl with 4 thirukkaigaL and PrayOga chakram in his hand...Garudazhwar did tapas in this place and got his Kainkaryam as perumAl's vaahanam...Adhi Seshan too did tapas here and obtained perumAl Kainkaryam...Urvasi and Tilothama fan perumAl with chaamaram standing behind him...TaayAr Srivaramangai married perumAl in this dhivya sthalam...Vaanamaamalai mutt (madom)...Jai Sri RamanujaJai Sri TOthAdri nAdhanVisit http://photostemple.blogspot.in for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Vaanamaa malai Sculptures - Part 167
Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...28'Jan'2016.. 167th Yaatra video... Nanguneri...Vaanamaa malai Sculptures...Kutty kicha wearing a hip-belt, with butter in uri, a monkey sitting below him, and all other fine details in a sculpture which is barely 9 inches in height...Venugopalakrishnan with the cow looking at him...Garudazhwar carrying perumAl...PerumAl with sanku- chakram like in paramapadham...A man fully dressed with moustache and beard...Krishna going between the maruda trees...A warrior with sword and shield...Kaliya nardhana Krishna...Ulakalanda perumal...Bakasuravadham...Jai Sri RamanujaJai Sri Vaanamaa malai perumAlVisit http://photostemple.blogspot.in for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Nanguneri - Part166
Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...28'Jan'2016...166th Yaatra video...Nanguneri...Vaanamaa malai (Thothadri) dhivyadhesam...Kaarya maharaja does tapas in Thirukkurungudi for begetting sons. PerumAl instructs him to do worship of the idol under the earth in Vaanamaa malai. When the king digs the soil, he sees blood coming out. PerumAl instructs him to do abhishekam with oil to the moorthy, and collect the abhisheka tailam (oil) in the nearby well. This open well is called "ennai kiNar". After doing regular taila-abhishekam, the king begets a child....This is a very medicinal oil. Sage Agastya says it is "sarva rOga nivArani"...This ennai kiNar (oil well) has been there since many hundreds of years....Jai Sri RamanujaJai Sri Vaanamaa malai perumAlVisit http://photostemple.blogspot.in for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Monday, February 1, 2016
Thirukkoloor Dhivyadhesam - Part 165
Radhekrishna...Guruji GopalavalliDasar...Bharatha Dhesa Yaatra...1'Feb'2016.. 165th Yaatra video...Thirukkoloor Dhivyadhesam...The dhesam which was celebrated by nammazhwar in his "unnum sOr parugum neer tinnum vetrilai ellAm kannan" paasuram...Madhurakavi Azhwar did avatharam in this dhivyadhesam...Vaithamaanidhi perumAL in sayana kOlam...Kumudavalli naachiyAr and Koloorvalli naachiyAr sannidhi...Thirukkoloor penpillai spoke the 81 vaakkiyangal to Swami Ramanuja in this holy place...The place where perumAl measured wealth in his marakkAl and gave to Kubera...Jai Sri RamanujaJai Sri Vaithamaanidhi PerumAlJai Sri Thirukkoloor dhivyadhesam Visit http://photostemple.blogspot.in for the entire yaatra video collection.
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Monday, February 1, 2016