Radhe Radhe...Jai Govardhan Giri Raj...Jai Govindh Kund...Jai Sri Madhavendra Puri...Gurujee Gopalavallidasar...Live from Govardhan Giri Raj...39th part video...30th noon 1pm Govardhan Giri Raj...The mountain lifted by Lord Sri Krishna during severe rains created by Indhra....This is the place where the 33crore demigods paid their namaskars to Sri Krishna...This is the place where Indhra did Govindha Pattabhishekam to Krishna with others....The Govindha Pattabhisheka sacred water is stored in Govindha Kund....This is the place where Sri Madhavendra Puri Swamy did penance and Bhajans and got Krishna's Dharshan....Jai Ho Krishna...Jai Ho Govardhan Giri Raj...Jai Ho Vrindhavan...
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Vedha Dharshan

Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Govindh Kund - Part 39
Govardhan Giri Raj - Part 38
Radhe Radhe...Jai Govardhan Giri Raj...Jai Shyam Kund...Jai Radha Kund...Gurujee Gopalavallidasar...Live from Govardhan Giri Raj...38th part video...30th noon 12 30pm...Radha Kund....(Radha's pond)...The sacred tank digged by Radhika Rani with Her broken bangles....Krishna's most favourite pond....Shyam Kund...(Krishna's pond)Krishna created this pond by His heel to take bath in all sacred rivers....Radha's most favourite pond...Both the ponds are in the Parikrama marg of Govardhan Giri....Jai Ho Krishna...Jai Ho Govardhan Giri Raj...Jai Ho Vrindhavan...
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Brahmanda Ghat….Part 37
Radhe Radhe...Bolo Yashodha Nandha Kishore ki...jai...Jai Gokul dhaam...Jai Brahmanda Ghat....Gurujee Gopalavallidasar...Live from Gokul....37th part video...29th noon 12 30pm...Brahmanda Ghat...The place where Sri Krishna ate mud...The place where Sri Krishna told His first lie to His mom Yashodha...The place where Sri Krishna showed the entire universe in His mouth to Yashodha Maathaa...Jai Ho Krishna....Jai Ho Yashodha Maathaa...Jai Ho Gokul....Jai Ho Vrindhavan...
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Nandha Bhavan - Part 36
Radhe Radhe...Bolo Yashodha Nandha Kishore ki...jai...Jai Gokul dhaam...Gurujee Gopalavallidasar...Live from Gokul....36th part video...29th 12noon...Nandha Bhavan....Palace of Sri Nandha Baba...(Krishna's foster father)...84 pillar palace...Every pillar smells of butter...Because Krishna used to wipe His butter hands on these pillars...Krishna's childhood memories...Jai Ho Krishna....Jai Ho Yashodha Maathaa...Jai Ho Gokul....Jai Ho Vrindhavan...
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Nidhivan - Part 35
Radhe Radhe...Jai Brindhavan...Jai Nidhivan...Jai Banke Bihari...Jai Radhika Rani...Jai Swami Haridhass...Gurujee Gopalavallidasar...Live from Vrindhavan ...Nidhivan....35th part video...28/09/15... 12.30noon..Nidhivan......Daily Radhika and Krishna are enjoying their transcendental love here....The Sacred Divine Bed room (Sayana Gruha) is daily enjoying Radha Rani and Krishna's divine play....Daily Krishna is playing Rasa Leela with Radhika Rani and Gopis...Come to the Blissful Nidhivan for wonderful true love...Here in Nidhivan, Banke Bihari gave dharshan to Swami Haridhass ji and self manifested as Banke Bihari Deity...Jai Ho Krishna....Jai Ho Vrindhavan...
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Monday, September 28, 2015
Yamunaaa-Part 34
Jai Radhe Radhe...Jai Vrindhavan...Jai Yamuna Maathaa...Radhekrishna...Gurujee Gopalavallidasar...Live from Vrindhavan ...34th part video...Sacred Bath and Sathsangam in Yamuna...Wonderful Sunset at Yamuna...Yamunaaa...Our beloved Mother feeding us the wonderful Krishna Love...Jai Yamuna...Jai Radhika...Jai Vrindhavan...Jai Ho....
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Monday, September 28, 2015
Kaliya Ghat...Part 33
Radhe Radhe...Jai Brindhavan...Gurujee Gopalavallidasar...Live from Vrindhavan ...33rd part video...28th morning 11am...Kaliya Ghat...Part 2...(Where venomous snake Kaliya and his wives surrendered to Lord Krishna)...See this sacred place and get rid of your sins, bad mind, bad behaviors, bad thoughts etc...Surrender to Krishna now... Surely He will rescue you from all bad things...Jai Ho Krishna....Jai Ho Vrindhavan...
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Monday, September 28, 2015
Banke Bihari Mandhir - Part 32
RadheRadhe...Jai Vrindhavan...Radhekrishna...Gurujee Gopalavallidasar...Live from Vrindhavan ...32nd part video...Banke Bihari Mandhir...Banke Bihari lal ki jai...Jai Bolo Krishna Kanhaiya...Jai Bolo Radhika Rani...Had a wonderful Dharshan given by Banke Bihari lal....Banke Bihari is a swayambu Murthi (self manifested) from Nidhivan which was obtained by Swami Haridass ji Maharaj....Every few minutes the curtain before Sri Banke Bihari is pulled down, to avoid Banke Bihari going behind each devotee due to his/her devotion...He is so handsome and black in colour.....Jai Bolo Banke Bihari lal...Jai Bolo Vrindhavan...Jai Ho....
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Monday, September 28, 2015
Kaliya Ghat- Part 31
Radhe Radhe...Jai Brindhavan...Gurujee Gopalavallidasar...Live from Vrindhavan ...31st part video...28th morning 11am...Kaliya Ghat...(The place where Lord Krishna danced on the hoods of the Poisonous Snake Kaliya)...The Kadhamba Tree from which Lord Krishna jumped into the Yamuna river with anger to destroy Kaliya's proud and venomous behaviour....Jai Ho Krishna....Jai Ho Vrindhavan...
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Sunday, September 27, 2015
ShukaSthal-Part 30
Jai Shuka Brahma Maharishi...Jai Shukasthal....Radhekrishna...Gurujee Gopalavallidasar...Live from Shuka Sthal...30th part video...Sacred ShukaSthal....27/09/2015 noon....The place where Sri Shuka Brahma Rishi gave discourse on Srimadh Bhagawatham to King Pareekshith....The place where the 88000 Sages gathered to listen to Srimadh Bhagawatham...The place where King Pareekshith attained Mokshaa....The place where the Sacred Banyan tree and divine parrots are living....Jai Ho Shukasthal....
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Sunday, September 27, 2015
Jai Saraswathi Maathaa - Part 29
Jai Badri Narayana...Jai Himalayas..Radhekrishna...Gurujee Gopalavallidasar...Live from HIMALAYAS....29th part video...Jai Saraswathi Maathaa....The river which is flowing under the earth ( which you can't see with your eyes ) after flowing for a short distance on the surface of earth, in Badri...The river which is the witness for Sage Vedha Vyaasaa's Ithihasas and Puranas...Amazing force....Awesome Grace....Jai Ho Saraswathi Maathaa...Jai Ho Himalayas....Jai Ho Vedha Vyaasaa....Jai Ho Badrinath....
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Saturday, September 26, 2015
Mahaganapathy Guhaa - Part 28
Jai Badri Narayana...Jai Himalayas..Radhekrishna...☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀Gurujee Gopalavallidasar...Live from HIMALAYAS....28th part videoMahaganapathy Guhaa....(The cave where Lord Mahaganapathy sat and wrote Mahabharata as narrated by Sage Vedha Vyaasaa...)In other words Mahabharata Janma Guhaa ( Mahabharata was born in this cave)It's in the last village within the Indian Border....After this village it is Tibet..Puranic name of the Village is ManiBhadrapuri & modern name is Mana....Jai Ho Mahaganapathy....Jai Ho Mahabharata...Jai Ho Manibadhrapuri...Jai Ho Bhaarath Maathaa...Jai Ho Hindhu Maathaa....☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Saturday, September 26, 2015
Vyaasa Guhaa-Part 27
Jai Badri Narayana...Jai Himalayas..Radhekrishna...Gurujee Gopalavallidasar...Livefrom HIMALAYAS....27th part video...Vyaasa Guhaa...We were totally in ecstasy...We were completely drowned in the sanctity of the Cave...We were out of this world and enjoyed a wonderful bliss which I can not express in any language....Everything is because of the grace of Lord Badhri Narayana and Sage Vedha Vyaasaa....Still all of us are cherishing those amazing times...Deities inside the caves are...Big new Sage Vedha Vyaasaa...Small old Sage Vedha Vyaasaa...Sri Shuka Brahma Maharishi( Son of Sage Vedha Vyaasaa)...Sri Vallabacharyaa....(He had dharshan of Sage Vedha Vyaasaa in this cave)Thank you Badrinath....Thank you Sage Vyaasaa....Jai Ho....
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Saturday, September 26, 2015
Vyaasa Guhaa - Part 26
Jai Badri Narayana...Jai Himalayas...Radhekrishna...Gurujee Gopalavallidasar...Livefrom HIMALAYAS....26th part video....Vyaasa Guhaa...( the cave in which Sage Vyaasaa did penance and edited Vedhaas in to 4 parts )...Here Sage Vyaasaa narrated Mahabharata...Here Sage Vyaasaa met Naradha Maharishi...Here Sage Vyaasaa wrote Srimadh Bhagawatham....Jai Ho Vedha Vyaasaa...Jai Ho Vyaasa Guhaa...Jai Ho Badri ....
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Saturday, September 26, 2015
Thaptha Kund-Part 25
Jai Badri Narayana...Jai Himalayas..Radhekrishna...☀Gurujee Gopalavallidasar...Livefrom HIMALAYAS....25th part video....Jai Adhi Kedarnath...( Badri yatra will give benefits after seeing this Adhi Kedarnath in Badri)Jai Garuda Shila...(The rock where Garuda did penance)Jai Thaptha Kund....(Hot springs)Jai Ho....
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Saturday, September 26, 2015
Ganga aarathi - Part 24
Jai Ganga Maathaa...Jai Haridhwaar..Radhekrishna...Gurujee Gopalavallidasar...Livefrom Haridhwaar....24th part video...Live from Haridhwaar...Ganga aarathi at Har ki paudi...Eve 6.30 pm on 26th'Sep'15...Must see in you life time...What a divinity...What a sanctity...Jai Ho Bhaarath....Jai Ho Hindhu Maathaa...Jai Ho Ganga Maathaa...Jai Ho....
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Saturday, September 26, 2015
Ganga aarathi - Part 23
⛵Jai Badri Narayana...Jai Himalayas..Radhekrishna...Gurujee Gopalavallidasar...Livefrom HIMALAYAS....23rd part video...Live from Haridhwaar...Ganga aarathi preparation at Har ki pauri...Eve 6pm on 26th'Sep'15...Unbelievable, unimaginable,...Jai Ho Ganga Maathaa...Jai Ho....⛵
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Saturday, September 26, 2015
Naradha Kund-Part 22
Jai Badri Narayana....Jai Badri Dhaam....Live from Himalayas...Himalayan Yathraa...22nd video....Naradha Kund...The place from where Sri Brahma and Sri Adhishankara found Swayambu Moorthy of Lord Badri Narayana...(Badrinath Deity)...Jai Bolo Naradha shila...(Rock where sage Naradha did penance)Jai bolo Naradha Kund...Jai Ho...
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Friday, September 25, 2015
Himalayan Yathraa-Part 21
❄☁❄☁❄☁Jai Badri Narayana....Jai Badri Dhaam....Live from Himalayas...Himalayan Yathraa...21st video...BHADRI DHAAM...Jai AlakaNandhaa...Jai Naradha Shilaa...(The holy rock where Sage Naradha did penance)Jai Devarishi Naradhaa...Video taken around 5pm...Jai Badri Narayana....Jai Badri Sri Devi...Jai Ho...❄☁❄☁❄☁
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Friday, September 25, 2015
Jai Badri Narayana - Part 20
✳☁☀✳☁☀✳☁Jai Badri Narayana....Jai Badri Dhaam....Live from Himalayas...Himalayan Yathraa...20th video...BHADRI DHAAM...Jai AlakaNandhaa...Jai Udhdhava...Jai Devarishi Naradhaa...Jai Badri Narayana....Jai Ho...
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Thursday, September 24, 2015
Jai Badri Dhaam…Part 19
❄☁Jai Badri Narayana....Jai Badri Dhaam....Live from Himalayas...Himalayan Yathraa...19th video...Jai Moorthy Maathaa...Jai Dharma Rishi...(Parents of Nara Narayana Rishi)The place for penance...The place of Vairaagyaa...The place of Gyaanaa...BHADRI DHAAM...LORD'S DIVINE ABODE...Jai Ho...
Posted by Guruji Gopalavallidasar on Thursday, September 24, 2015